Author Archives: admin

2024 – 2025 Tax Levy

2024 – 2025 Tax Levy

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Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report for May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023

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Treasurer’s Report for May , 2021 through April 30, 2022

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Annual Treasurer’s Report 5/1/2020 – 4/30/2021

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Taking bids for Mowing

The City of Benton is accepting bids to mow the Benton Municipal Airport

Deadline is April 22, 2021 at 2:00pm

Click here for more information


2019 City of Benton Annual Water Quality Report

2019 Water Quality Report for City of Benton

Meeting Agenda – Special City Council Meeting July 2, 2018

The City of Benton will hold a special meeting called BENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING on Monday 07/02/2018 at 8:30AM in the Benton Municipal Building located at 1403 South Main Street – Benton, Illinois.

The following items are on the agenda for consideration and possible actions concerning:

  • Discussion and/or approval of appointment to the Rend Lake Conservancy District Board
  • Discussion and/or approval of IDOT Division of Aeronautics Standard Agreement for consultant services agreement with Brown and Roberts, Inc.

The George Harrison Mural in Benton IL


The making of the mural from concept to completion as told through pictures and in an interview between Muralist John Cerney and DJ Phlash Phelps on his ’60’s on 6′ Sirius XM Radio Show. Painted in 2017, this mural is 16 feet tall and is located along Interstate 57 in Benton, Illinois. The mural commemorates the first visit by a Beatle to America. Several months ahead of the British rock group’s big splash on US soil in early 1964, George Harrison came to Benton, Illinois to visit his sister Louise and her family. The Beatles were unknown to Americans, despite being at the top of the charts in England, and George was able to remain anonymous during his two week stay. He played with a local band, bought a guitar in a neighboring town, and mostly hung out as a tourist. The Beatles were about to explode on the world stage, and for years to come, folks in Southern Illinois would recall the polite young man with long hair and a funny accent.


Council Meeting Agenda – October 24, 2016

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Tire Clean Up Day

Saturday, May 28 at 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM in CDT

The City of Benton is sponsoring a Tire Clean-up Days in May in order to allow residents the opportunity to dispose of their old, used tires!

tiresThe purpose of this is two-fold. First, old tires collect water and are a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Those mosquitoes can carry many viruses including the Zika Virus. We want to prevent such things from developing in Benton.

Second, we want to give all residents a free opportunity to dispose of those old, used, and unwanted tires. This opportunity is provided in advance of a new policy that will begin in June regarding citations for tires being left on properties in the City.

Starting in June, any property owner with a tire found left on their property will be cited. This will be followed with a fine if the tire is not properly stored or removed in the specified time. This fine will be $25.00 per tire.

We hope that our residents will utilize the free opportunity we are providing and help us clean-up the City of Benton!

NOTE: Tires are to be dropped off at Earth Services at 14716 Hwy 14 East, Benton, IL  ONLY during the times listed!




Ira_GoffIra Eugene Goff (M/W DOB:12/29/1954)

Reported Missing on 12/18/14 from 605 N. Ward street, Benton, IL. 62812 .

Last seen at Huck’s Convenience store in Benton, IL. on 12/14/14 at approximately 9:00am leaving store on foot.

Subject last seen wearing a Mossy Oak style camo hat, Mossy Oak style camo jacket, red hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.

If you know the where abouts of Mr. Goff or have seen him recently please contact Inv. Chris Funkhouser of the Benton Police Dept. 618 438-4504 extension 209.