Water and Sewer Department » Water and Sewer Department

Water and Sewer Department

Contact: Craig Miles
Work 1403 S. Main Street Benton IL 62812 Work Phone: 618-439-6131 ext 405
Photo of Water and Sewer Department
Categories: City Services

Establishing Water/Sewer Service
A property owner may establish water service without a deposit, but he or she will need to come in to the Benton City Hall with a photo ID, proof of ownership, and complete an application in order to get service connected.

Renters or Purchasers on Contract for Deed:
 In order to establish water and sewer service in the name of a renter or someone entering into a contract for deed agreement, please come in to City Hall with information necessary to complete an application, a $150.00 deposit, a photo ID, and a copy of the rent receipt or lease. An “Owner’s Authorization Form” must also be completed by the renter and the property owner to complete the process. “Owner’s Authorization Forms” may be filled out at the Benton Water and Sewer Department located at Benton City Hall.  

These forms can be emailed to the Water Department.  The Billing Clerk can be reached at benton@bentonil.com or faxed at 618-435-2610.

Benton Water/Sewer Service Application

Water/Sewer Bills
Water bills are always due on the 15th of month, unless you have a disconnect notice. If you do have a disconnect notice, please pay close attention to the disconnect date. Once water has been disconnected, you are required to pay your total past due amount as well as a $100.00 reconnect fee (paid with either cash or card) in order to restore your water. Water bills may be paid at City Hall in the Water Dept. or by using our drop box, at US Bank, at State Bank of Whittington, at People’s National Bank, at Legence Bank, at Heartland Office Supply, or you may mail them in to P.O. Box 640 in Benton, IL 62812.

drop boxFor your convenience, a drop box has been placed at the South Side of the building. Please do not put cash in the drop box and always attach your bill with your payment. The City of Benton has found it necessary to charge a $25.00 NSF fee if your check has been returned.

You may also pay your bill with a credit or debit card. A 2.25% processing fee is associated with each transaction.

Watch our Water Department hard at work:


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