11/12/18 New Water Meter Install – Informational Letter

Dear Valued Benton Water Customer:

During the next few months, you are going to see a lot of activity involving the water meters throughout town. The City is currently in the process of replacing all water meters within the Benton Water and Sewer system.  You may see blue paint marks or flags in your yard or on your water meter. This is to help installers locate the meters. If your meter is located in the basement, please contact the Water Department at 618-439-6131 to set up a time for our crew to replace the meter. Overall, the install will take a few months to complete. We hope to finish the transition by the end of 2018. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we undergo this change.

The upgrade will be good for the City and our water customers. The new system will allow us to read by the gallon. For example: If you use 3,750 gallons on the current system, you would be charged for 3,000. The remaining 750 gallons would remain unapplied until your next bill. The new metering system will apply the exact 3,750 gallons to your current bill with no rollover. We hope to eventually have all meters read on the same day within a 28 to 30-day cycle.

Again, we sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this transition.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 618-439-6131.



Craig Miles

Benton Water and Sewer Superintendent