4/5/17 Benton Zoning and Planning Commission Meeting

                                   BENTON ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION
                                REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA
                          APRIL 5, 2017
                       6:00 PM

  1. Call meeting to order
  1. Roll call

  III.      Approval of minutes

  1. New Business
  1. Old Business
  1. A) Update on “Mendenhall Building”
  1. B) Update on GIS mapping
  1. C) Update on City Council Action on March 13, 2017
  2. a)  (Re)appointments to commission
  3. b)  Approval of Minkon Rockdrills variance
  4. c) Approval of annual report
  1. D) Discussion/approval of manufactured housing code committee notes
  1. Miscellaneous business
  1. A) Updated contact information

 VII.     Public comments

VIII.     Next regular business meeting May 3, 2017

  1. Adjournment